Economic Development Bus Tour Swings through Southwest Georgia

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The Mitchell County Development Authority and City of Camilla welcomed an

Economic Development Bus Tour last week to showcase the great opportunities the

City can provide for potential businesses interested in locating in Georgia. The

delegation toured the manufacturing facilities of local business Hays LTI and

learned of the opportunities available in Mitchell County and Camilla for economic


The Bus Tour brought statewide project managers from the Georgia Department of

Economic Development (GDEcD) and Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) to tour the

city and its infrastructure firsthand. It is a unique opportunity for economic

development project managers on a statewide level to visit the city personally, be

hosted by city personnel, and learn what makes the community a desirable location

for businesses. State project managers link business owners looking to relocate with

communities across Georgia that fit the needs of the businesses. This exposure for

Economic Development opportunities only heightens the potential economic and

business growth for these cities.

As a public power provider, the City of Camilla owns and operates its own electric

utility, making the utility a financial and infrastructural asset to the community and

an attractive location for potential business owners.

The Bus Tour was hosted by ECG and MEAG Power and toured fourteen Southwest

Georgia Cities: Adel, Albany, Blakely, Cairo, Camilla, Crisp County, Doerun,

Douglas, Fitzgerald, Moultrie, Quitman, Sylvester, Thomasville and Whigham. All

cities are members of ECG and MEAG Power as Georgia public power providers.

About ECG (Electric Cities of Georgia):

ECG provides economic and strategic services to community-owned utility

systems that sell public power. As an advocate of local communities’

infrastructural and economic success, ECG partners with municipalities and industry

experts to find cost-effective solutions that benefit the city, the community and

utility customers. Recognizing that a community-owned utility infuses the local

economy, ECG exists to provide resources to ensure structural reliability and

economic success.

About MEAG Power (Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia):

MEAG Power is a nonprofit, statewide generation and transmission

organization that is recognized as one of the premier joint action agencies in the

country. MEAG boasts an enviable diversified fuel portfolio, with more than 65%

of its energy mix coming from emissions-free generation resources. MEAG Power

provides reliable, competitive wholesale electricity to its 49 member communities,

including Camilla, who own their local distribution systems.


News   Economic development